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April 08, 2020

Before I forget: check out a general overview on the compressive Raman project

If you wanna more about the compressive Raman project, but don't wanna go through all technical details, check out our recent general audience overview on the concept published last November in Biophotonics.

April 06, 2020

Back on track: After a few prizes, trips, newcomers...

Sorry for keeping you out of the loop, but it has been busy recently with a few talks given (worldwide). So here is a summary:

- Welcome to Tunc Turker and Walter Canedo Riedel: both are working on Bachelor and master projects for super-resolution;

- Congrats to Julien Guilbert for hist best presentation award at the last Photonics West (February 2020);

- Welcome to Bingixin Tian: she is working on the wavefront shaping project;

- Hilton got a best presentation award at the last Workshop in Information Optics (June 2019).


That's it, I think ; ).

September 01, 2019

If you don't have a hunting dog, you hunt with a cat

In Brazil, we have a saying "quem não tem cão, caça com gato", meaning that if you don't have the means necessary to build something, you try an alternative with cheaper gear and more creative approach. We applied this concept to reach interface sensitivity in spontaneous Raman imaging: we combined the old-school-but-elegant surface force apparatus with spontaneous Raman spectroscopy. So, if you don't have the budget to build the interface-specific SFG spectrometer, you can do a simpler experiment with the Raman+SFA. Bonus: you can look into highly symmetric nano-confined systems at high resolution.... check out two papers recently published using this concept, out of a very fruitful collaboration (and with lots of fun) with Steve and Josh... come back for more later...

March 14, 2019

Press release on matrix completion algorithim for Raman imaging

Check out the press release on the OSA website about our most recent publication on compressive Raman imaging....and don't forget to come back later for news on compressive Raman imaging. ; )


November 04, 2018

New PhD student

Julien Guilbert has just started his PhD. He will join the compressive Raman project for a new twist ; ) All the best in the years to come!

August 31, 2017

It's polarization times

We got two papers accepted within a month, and both on polarization-resolved approaches! One is on polarization revival using broadband wavefront shaping (Science Advances), and another on polarization-resolved CARS microscopy of vesicles and myelin systems (Biophysical Journal). I'd like to say congrats to all co-authors, in particular Paulina Gasecka, Sophie Brasselet and Sylvain Gigan for a terrific collaborative work. Check out the links in the publication list.

June 04, 2017

Invited talks at international conferences: it's all about complex systems!

I am happy to attend two exciting conferences on optics and soft matter physics (Frontiers in Optics, Complex States of Light, and 8th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems). See you in Washington DC/USA, or Wisla/Poland!

April 05, 2017

Work on compressive sensing and stimulated Raman scattering published in Opt. Lett.

As the title says, our first work on compressive sensing and coherent Raman scattering has just been accepted. Thanks to all co-authors involved. Get back later for checking the final link...

February 02, 2017

bioarXiv paper

A new paper has been published in the bioRxiv repository. The paper is a compilation of recent efforts of the MOSAIC group in Marseille to use polarization-resolved CARS to monitor the evolution of multiple sclerosis in model systems. Congrats to all authors, in particular Paulina Gasecka and Sophie Brasselet for the terrific analysis.

November 01, 2016

New student

Welcome Benneth Sturm! He will be joining the microspectroscopy project. Alles gute!

October 04, 2016

Paper accepted in PRA as editor's suggestion

Our paper just got accepted in Phys. Rev. A. The work exploits the transmission matrix approach for prospective nonlinear imaging in strongly scattering media. We are quite excited about it since it has been highlighted as "Editor's Suggestion"... ok, I know it's not a cover, but it is a start. Big thanks to Sophie and Sylvain, my enthusiastic co-authors in this work.

August 31, 2016

Junior Research Chair starts

I've been hired as an independent researcher at the ENS Paris, also known among Frenchs as ENS rue d'Ulm. The lab structure is about to be set up, so come back for further updates...

July 30, 2016


Congrats to Camille and Andres. Camille defended her final master report in DTU, Danmark. Andres defended his intermediate master project (or whatever translation you might have for the French equivalent of M1). It has been a great pleasure working with the two of them with exciting results. All the best in the future!

April 24, 2016

New student

Welcome Andrés Sommer! He will be joining the wavefront shaping for nonlinear microscopy project. All the best in the months to come!

March 17, 2016

I will give a talk on our work of wavefront shaping. Excited to share stage with other people who have been in the field way longer than myself... Torremolinos, here I come! By the way, a great thanks to Juanjo and Aristide.

January 31, 2016

New student

Welcome Camille Scotté! She will be working on an exciting new field we have just started to work on. She studied in Lille, France, and will defend her masters degree in the Technical University of Denmark. All the best in the months to come!

December 31, 2015

Hello world!

New year, new website... well.... actually, it is the first website. Here, I will keep posting news and interesting stuff from myself and that I might find elsewhere on the internet universe.

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